Food Share at Dorchester Community Church
Dorchester Community Church is committed to “Celebrating and Sharing the love of God.” Food Share is a practical expression of this. Our aim is to help meet the needs of local community. Our Food Share Project has been running since 2017 and currently distributes 60-80 parcels a week in Dorchester and the surrounding villages. These are mostly donated by local supermarkets (currently Co-op, Tesco & Waitrose) the “Fresh Food Bank” and The Watercress Company and local allotments. We aim to support each family or household referred to us for up to 3 months; our referrals come from key workers, health care professionals and registered charities working with families and those in need.
Delivering around 60 – 80 parcels a week take a lot of organisation, and a dedicated team that we are incredibly greatful to God for. If you have 2 or 3 hours a week spare time and would like to get involved please contact the church office at or phone the number at the bottom of the page.
We supplement the amazing weekly donations from the supermarkets (and other generous organisations and people) by purchasing additional eggs, fresh fruit and vegetables to add to the nutritional value of the parcels. We are extremely grateful to everyone who has supported us in any way – special thanks to those who have donated food or made a financial gift; this has enabled us to meet the increasing number of referrals to Food Share..
A number of local residents have asked how they can help Food Share and if it is possible to make a donation; in response, we have included some details below. We wish to thank anyone contributing to Food Share most sincerely; any donations we receive are used towards items for the increasing number of food parcels we are distributing. Together, we CAN share the love of God and make a difference!
Donations can be made by:
Cheque: Please make this payable to Dorchester Community Church; write “For Food Share” on the back and post to Dorchester Community Church, Liscombe Street, Poundbury, DT1 3DF.
Online Banking: The details you will need for the payment are:
Bank: CAF Bank Ltd
Account Name: Dorchester Community Church
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account Number: 00017025
Please quote the reference: Food Share
You can use a debit card or credit card securely by using the donate button below. Thank you for making a difference locally!
Thank you to all our sponsors!
Who can apply for a “Food Share” Parcel?
Anyone who is living in Dorchester or nearby (DT1 & DT2) and experiencing financial hardship can apply for a Food Share Parcel. We are particularly keen to assist families finding it difficult to provide food for their children.
How do I apply for a “Food Share” Parcel?
We accept referrals from keyworkers, health care professionals, community groups and agencies including Citizens Advice. Alternatively, please download, complete & return the application form (Link at the bottom of the page).
How often and for how long will I receive “Food Share” Parcels?
We will aim to deliver regular parcels for up to 12 weeks. Deliveries can be weekly or fortnightly & are subject to availability. Further deliveries would require a professional referral.
We want to make a difference in our Local Community
We are pleased to be able to work with FareShare to help reduce food waste by distributing fresh food to local people – food that would otherwise have been thrown away.

Leaflet Application Form
To apply for Food Share please download the application form below.