Community Kids

Liscombe St. Poundbury | Every Sunday @ 10:30am
About UsMeet the Team

Community Kids

We aim to make all children from 3-12 years old welcome, regardless of ethnicity, disability, background or anything else!

Community kids meet up in the church building every Sunday.

The children will not come upstairs at the beginning of the morning but will start in the service with their parents. 

Parents will then be asked to escort their children upstairs to sign them in after the first few worship songs. 

Parents will need to collect their children at the end of the service as per usual.

In order to keep your children safe during their time with us: – All of our volunteers are DBS checked – Your children will be supervised, and 1-1 situations with an adult will be avoided – We have a safe registration system in place – you sign your children in, and are in control of who can pick them up – Our volunteers also attend safeguarding training, and the church has a written Safegurding Policy in place. If you ever have any safeguarding concerns, or suspicions of abuse that you’d like to report, please contact Tory or Jack.


We hope to welcome you to Community Kids soon.

Our Values

Jesus said, “let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14 Our ‘Mission Statement’ is the same as the rest of Dorchester Community Church to:

Celebrate and share the Love of God

We at Community Kids are no less of a church than that of the adult meeting. We believe in the same principles, we have the same heart but just in smaller bodies! We believe that we can celebrate God through music, dance, song, games, crafts, activities and by having fun.

We aim to achieve this mission statement through the following five foundations:


Every child is loved unconditionally, valued and listened to.

Every child can access Community Kids, regardless of age or ability.

Every child has the opportunity to take part in church services and activities.


Every child is prayed for and encouraged to pray.

Every child is encouraged to worship God.

Every child hears the Gospel in a way that they understand.


Every child is encouraged in their gifts.

Every child has an opportunity to serve others.

Every child has an opportunity to contribute to Church life.


Every child is challenged to live out their faith.

Every child is encouraged and their achievements and development valued.

Every child is encouraged to read the Bible and pray at home.


Every child has a growing understanding of what it means to share their faith.

Every child is challenged to share their faith.

Every child can share in the life of the church.

For more information

Meet the Team

Laura King

Laura King

Community Kids Leader