Opportunities to Serve
We believe that God has gifted each believer with specific gifts that are to be used to serve God on earth and to act as an encouragement to others.
We also believe that each of us should have a heart to serve, as modeled by Jesus himself.
To this end we hope that you find this ‘list’ helpful, but more than that, we hope that you will sense God’s leading about where you feel there may be opportunities to serve within ‘Dorchester Community Church’.
Priority areas are marked with # (In the ‘Ministry Activities’ tab) are most urgent but please don’t feel obliged to respond here if this is not where you feel God calling you. More important is that each person is where God wants them, thus preventing square pegs in round holes.
You will also notice that most areas have the name of the current person responsible for a particular ministry next to them. Please speak to this person if you feel this might be where God is leading you or you have an interest here, or would like more information. Alternatively, contact 01305 267171.
Thank you so much for your partnership.
New Ministries
There are times when new ministries are suggested, or when people even want to start things off their own back. Usually one of the leaders is approached, which is right, but people don’t always know what they should do if they would like to start something or feel the Church should start something.
- We want to be open to all that God wants for us – this includes what new ministries to start and what existing ministries to stop
- We recognise that there is a difference between a good idea and a God idea – sometimes it’s just timing
Should you want to start a new ministry or feel that the Church should;
- Pray about the issue. Do you believe this might be God-led?
- Is there a need? See what others think
- Consider how might this work in practice? Resources, sustainability, finance
- What, if any, might your role be in this new ministry?
- Share your thoughts with any member of the Leadership Team
- This will likely be passed on to the Elders
- If you have heard nothing back after a few months, speak to the same person from the Leadership Team
Jobs & Responsibilities
Last Updated: 8th November 2021